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Generating Degree Audit Reports

Step 1

Navigate to the Advisement Reports page via the following path:

  • Academic Advisement > Student Advisement > Request Advisement Report

Step 2

Click the "Add a New Value" tab:

request advisement report - add a new value

Step 3

Input or search for a student emplid and enter the appropriate advisement report type - ADV (Student Advisement Report) - then click "Add":

report request parameters

Step 4

Click the "Process Request" button:

click process request button

Step 5

The report will appear on the page, by default. Academic requirements will appear collapsed when they are satisfied. When a requirement is collapsed, you can expand it by clicking the arrow to the left to see what courses were used to satisfy the requirement or if course substitutions or waivers were applied. Click “expand all” at the top of the report to expand all of the collapsed requirements.

page report view

Step 6

To view the report in PDF format, click the "View Report as PDF" button.

view PDF report button

The report will open in a new window.  You may need to permit pop-ups in your browser for this to work:

PDF report output