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HTML Cheat Sheet

The following HTML can be used to format instructor and class information in the Class Description Editor.

Note: At this time it is not possible to make clickable links to websites and email addresses in the Editor system. You may enter them (e.g., or but users will copy and paste them into a browser or an email program.

To Create Insert


(example: Alice in Wonderland)

<cite>Alice in Wonderland</cite>

Italicized text

(Would the fall never come to an end?)

Would the fall <em>never</em>come to an end?


(...and tied around the neck of the bottle was a paper label, with the words DRINK ME beautifully printed on it in large letters.)

...and tied around the neck of the bottle was a paper label, with the words <strong>DRINK ME</strong> beautifully printed on it in large letters.

A paragraph

<p>”What a curious feeling!” said Alice. “I must be shutting up like a telescope!</p>

Add a link break to move text to the next line


Down the Rabbit Hole
The Pool of Tears
A Caucus Race and a Long Tale

Down the Rabbit Hole<br/>
The Pool of Tears<br/>
A Caucus Race and a Long Tale<br/>

Numbered list


  1. Alice in Wonderland  
  2. Through the Looking Glass

<li>Alice in Wonderland</li>
<li>Through the Looking Glass</li>

Bulleted list


  • Alice in Wonderland  
  • Through the Looking Glass

<li>Alice in Wonderland</li>
<li>Through the Looking Glass</li>