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Undergraduate Retention & Graduation Rates

Retention Rates for First-Time Students Pursuing Bachelor's Degrees


Percentage of Students Who Began Their Studies in Fall 2021 and Returned in Fall 2022: 97.79%.

Retention rates measure the percentage of first-time students who are seeking bachelor's degrees who return to the institution to continue their studies the following fall.

Overall Graduation Rates for Students Who Began Their Studies in Fall 2016

grad rate

Percentage of Full-time, First-Time Students Who Graduated or Transferred Out Within 150% of "Normal Time" to Completion for Their Program: 96.52%

The overall graduation rate is also known as the "Student Right to Know" or IPEDS graduation rate. It tracks the progress of students who began their studies as full-time, first-time degree or certificate-seeking students to see if they complete a degree or other award such as a certificate within 150% of "normal time" for completing the program in which they are enrolled.

Graduation Rates for Students Pursuing Bachelor's Degrees


Percentage of Full-time, First-time Students Who Graduated in the Specified Amount of Time and Began in Fall 2011 and Fall 2013.

Bachelor’s degree graduation rates measure the percentage of entering students (who begin their studies full-time and plan to get a bachelor’s degree) who complete their degree programs within a specified amount of time.

6-Year Graduation Rate by Gender for Students Pursuing Bachelor's Degrees


Percentage of Full-time, First-time Students Who Began Their Studies in Fall 2016 and Received a Degree or Award Within 150% of "Normal Time" to Completion for Their Program.

6-Year Graduation Rate by Race/Ethnicity for Students Pursuing Bachelor's Degreesrace ethnicity

Percentage of Full-time, First-time Students Who Began Their Studies in Fall 2015 and Received a Degree or Award Within 150% of "Normal Time" to Completion for Their Program

6-Year Graduation Rate by Pell Grant Recipients and Direct Loan RecipientsPell and Direct Loan

Percentage of Full-time, First-time Students Who Began Their Studies in Fall 2016 and Received a Degree or Award Within 150% of "Normal Time" to Completion for Their Program