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APIDA 101 is an MSA program geared towards undergraduate students who wish to explore what it means to be a person of Asian, Pacific Islander, and/or Desi/South Asian descent in the United States. Over the course of 6 sessions, students will make connections between their cultural/ethnic identity and a racial/political identity, analyze the history and dynamics of the APIDA experience in the United States, explore APIDA activism, and develop strategies for allyship and solidarity across communities.  

This program centers the lived experiences of Asian, Pacific Islander, and/or Desi/South Asian students - communities which are inclusive of, but not limited to, the East Asian, Southeast Asian, South Asian, and Pacific Islander diaspora, as well as multiracial and multiethnic APIDA communities. 

This program is currently on pause. If you would like to have MSA offer this program again or are interested in offering it in collaboration, please contact to express your interest. 

Fall 2021

  • Thursdays, 5:30 - 7:30 PM
  • October 14 - November 18 (6-week series)
  • Parkes 120
  • COVID-19 Precautions
    • We will be meeting in-person for fall quarter.
    • Masks are required.
    • Individual meals will be provided during the session, and participants may remove their masks to eat during the session.